速報APP / 遊戲 / Zoom Trivia - Food Edition

Zoom Trivia - Food Edition


檔案大小:67.9 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Zoom Trivia - Food Edition(圖1)-速報App

Learn fun facts about food while solving picture puzzles in Zoom Trivia - Food Edition!

Guess which foods appear in zoomed in photos to learn more about them! Each zoom puzzle contains a clue ~ Use their colors, textures, shapes and more to figure out what they are. Simple and fun for everyone! Even kids will enjoy the colorful pictures and unusual facts.

Zoom Trivia - Food Edition(圖2)-速報App

Think you know your food and are looking for a challenge? Check out the Endless Challenge Mode and try to reach the highest level you can before failing!


Zoom Trivia - Food Edition(圖3)-速報App

- HUNDREDS of puzzles with scrumptious food photography

- STANDARD PUZZLE MODE that offers an easy and fun way to learn about food

Zoom Trivia - Food Edition(圖4)-速報App

- ENDLESS CHALLENGE MODE that challenges players to put what they've learned to the test

- HELPFUL HINTS that make more difficult puzzles easier to solve

Zoom Trivia - Food Edition(圖5)-速報App

Foodies of all kinds will enjoy these yummy photo puzzles! From tomatoes and potatoes, to international foods like falafel, kimchi, and tamale; even some of the most exotic foods you may have never seen before!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad